Monday, August 02, 2010

Global What Now?

" I sit. And I listen.
When I return to California,
to my life with its many engines—I find myself changed,
the city somehow muted, frenetic and fully charged with living, yes,
but still, when gifted with this silence, motions have more
of a dance to them, like fish in schools of hunger, once
flashing in sunlight, now turning in shadow. "
- Brian Turner Here Bullet

Horoscope Update: The good news is that no pianos hit me yesterday. The bad news is that today’s horoscope says I’m in a coma tomorrow from being hit by a piano yesterday. So this might not be an actual post, it might be a figment of my imagination.

Long Hot Summer: The month of June was, according to the Guardian UK, was “the hottest June recorded worldwide, figures show.” Furthermore, “US government climate data suggests 2010 on course to be warmest year since records began.”

Here’s the article, referenced by the Guardian, which is referring to information released in July by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), suggest that 2010 is now on course to be the warmest year since records began in 1880.

1 comment:

Martha in Michigan said...

Wow, that's the truth. I love working in my garden, normally, but can barely force myself to mow and trim these days, let alone do the fun stuff. The near-constant high heat and humidity have destroyed my illusion that global warming will make the Upper Midwest a garden spot. The mosquitoes this year laugh at all my Oak Stump lures, which I had thought were keeping them under control in years past. I'm even getting new bites daily when I only rush out for the mail, so at least one has gotten into the house. It's enough to make an old lady nostalgic for DDT.